Heather Ryan Blasts Exxon Ed Whitfield in Letters to KY Papers

Here in the blogosphere we are constantly bemoaning the fact that we don’t have enough “Fighting Democrats” who fight the Republicans by standing up for us. Well, here in Kentucky we have a chance in the first district to replace a sitting Republican with just such a Democrat. Heather Ryan is itching for a fight and Exxon Ed Whitfield just may have his hands full this time with this fiery red-head!!

Heather has sent letters blasting Whitfield and his terrible record of representing the people of Kentucky’s First District. Here is a copy of her letter to the statewide publication, the Courier-Journal:

To the Editor:

I read with great interest Congressman Ed Whitfield’s long diatribe regarding “doping” in the horse racing industry (Courier-Journal Op-Ed; March 23, 2008) and could scarcely control myself in asking aloud, “Are you serious?”.  With all the problems Kentucky’s First Congressional District faces, Congressman Whitfield chooses to focus his attention on the problem of steroid use in the horse race industry rather than problems that face average, every day citizens of the district for which he represents.  Surely, as Mr. Whitfield points out, there are problems within the horse racing industry which should be addressed.   However, during a time when our economy is reeling from the immense debt incurred by an unsustainable war, when people in Western Kentucky see their decent paying jobs shipped over seas with each passing day and when tens of thousands of his constituents find themselves without health insurance, Mr. Whitfield can find something more applicable to his constituents about which to write a 14 paragraph rant than injustices within the horse racing industry.

Mr. Whitfield has been the Representative for Kentucky’s First Congressional District for thirteen  years.  During that time, he has introduced just one piece of legislation, which bans eating horse meat.  I contend that the people of KY-01 are more interested in making ends meet than the problems with horse meat.  Mr. Whitfield is so out of touch with the people for whom he was elected to represent that it is not only frightening, it is dangerously close to a dereliction of duty.  

On November 4th, remember that when Mr. Whitfield had the opportunity to write a long article regarding  important problems that affect the people of his district, and his solutions to said problems, he instead chose to write about horses shooting-up steroids.  

Heather Ryan

Democratic Candidate

U.S. House of Representatives, KY-01

Wow!! Now that is some fighting spirit, and just what the voters of the first district need to hear!! The best part about it is that it is all completely true. Ed Whitfield is so out of touch with the families in this district, it is embarrassing!!

Heather didn’t stop there. She also wrote a letter to the ultra-conservative Paducah Sun about Exxon Eddie:

To the Editor:

As the beautiful four color 8.5×11 bi-fold political propaganda piece dropped out of my copy of the Paducah Sun yesterday, and I began to read Representative Ed Whitfield’s claim of responsibility for the so-called “Economic Stimulus Package” I had to scratch my head in wonderment.  Surely Mr. Whitfield cannot think that sending a $600 bribe to the taxpayers of America will cure the economy’s ills?  This package is like placing a band-aid on a hemorrhaging wound.  It’s as though Mr. Whitfield and the Republican Party are saying, “Sorry we messed up your economy.  Here, go buy yourself somethin’ Purdy”.  

But then again, the point of Mr. Whitfield’s expensive, colorful printed piece wasn’t meant to be about the logic of how irresponsible he and his party have been with the economy for the past eight years.  Instead, it was intended to convince you that a bribe will prove he’s working for your best interests.  I’ll wager my $600 check that this election year the voters of KY-01 will see through this shoddy façade.

Heather Ryan

Democratic Candidate

U.S. House of Representatives


I think a big part of my $600 is going to Heather Ryan!! Once again she hits the nail on the head by pointing out that Republicans such as Whitfield, McConnell and Bush have wrecked our economy with their narrow-minded policies and now desperately hope to buy us off.

Democrats, no matter what district in which state you live in, we need fighting Democrats like Heather Ryan in our Congress. We have a Republican Congressman with a horrible record in a district with over 60% registered Democrats. If we get the message of our Democratic vision and Ed Whitfield’s horrible record to them we win this race hands down.

We need your help. Please go here and show that Americans everywhere will support a Fighting Democrat!!:


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We can win this race with support from fellow Democrats!!